Thermax provides effluent treatment solutions for various types of industrial waste water. Customised systems to suit the wide variety of effluents and to maintain efficiency are provided to industries – systems based on physico-chemical and biological treatments and membrane separation are offered to suit efficiency. We have the experience and capability to design and commission a host of clarifiers, filters, aeration, coagulation and settling systems for waste from industries like chemicals, drugs, pharma, refineries, leachates, etc.
Recycle and reuse of treated effluents is profitable in the ever deteriorating environment of water scarcity. Reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration systems and other tertiary treatment processes make this possible for industries keen on resource optimisation.
Waste water/ Effluent treatment solutions
Industrial Effluent treatment & Recycle plants
Sewage treatment& Recycle plants
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) plants
Complete solutions for
High COD effluent & High TDS effluent
Difficult to degrade effluent
Coke oven effluent treatment
Colour removal from treated/partially treated effluent for recycle/disposal