Thermax offers a complete range of Reverse Osmosis Chemicals, in the form of antiscalants, cleaning chemicals and biocides, to take care of the different scales of slime formation that form due to inorganic and organic impurities present in water. Thermax is in the field of water treatment for more than 30 years and is an established name in water treatment equipment and is known as a ‚ÄòWater Management Company’. We manufacture RO chemicals for a variety of water chemistry and carry out membrane autopsy studies. An antisclant and cleaning chemicals range with biocides is also available.
The Maxtreat range of antiscalants reduces membrane scaling or fouling tendencies, giving sustained performance for a longer time reducing unscheduled shutdowns and cleaning costs. It also disperses silt and colloidal particles, keeping the membrane surface clean.
Maxtreat provides optimum control of feed water with concentrate LSI up to + 2.50, which can be safely used as potable water, certified under ANSI/NSF Standard 60.
Cleaning Chemicals
Our Maxtreat range of cleaning chemicals (inorganic or organic) is a specially formulated blend of cleaner for the inorganic and organic compounds, which also includes biological slime. Benefits:
Liquid cleaner which allows shorter mixing time
Low foaming formulation
Cost effective program for carbonate or sulfate scale and also for organic compound and slime
The Maxtreat range of non-oxidizing biocides work speedily and provide effective response even in heavily contaminated water. Benefits:
Biocide activity spans over a broad spectrum of micro-organisms
Liquid formation
Heavy slime deposit can be eliminated or controlled by regular use of biocide in heavily infected reverse osmosis system
Key Characteristics
Maxtreat 9001
Silica Antiscalant
LSI up to +2.5, Iron up to 1 ppm in reject
Maxtreat 9002
Antiscalant / Antifoulant
LSI up to +2.5, Silica up to 300 ppm in reject
Maxtreat 9004
LSI up to +2.0, Iron up to 4 ppm in reject, also at higher SDI