
Under Feed stoker

Thermax with its insatiable urge for technological developments brings yet another technical marvel – the underfeed stoker. More popular in Europe and northAmerica for combustion of variety of fuels, Thermax partnered with Lambion Energy Solutions GmbH, Germany to introduce this technology for the first time in Indian Subcontinent till 5 MW heat generation capacity, specially.

Underfeed stoker essentially utilises combined gasification and combustion of fuel. The name itself suggests that the fresh fuel is fed from beneath the heap of burning fuel and is continuously replenished in the entire length of retort with a screw feeder.The combustion air is supplied through a set of castings mounted on the retort. The gasification offuel on top layer of heap facilitates volatile combustion. The balance combustion of fixed carbonhappens on flat surfaces provided in furnace or on stationary grates

Aquaerotherm from Thermax

Indirect heating systems are more complex, since they need additional equipment such as external radiators and pressurized pumping systems using heating media such as water/ thermic fluid.

Thermax presents Aquaerotherm (ATM), the next generation indirect heating system, which provides highest thermal efficiency up to 82%. Further, it eliminates the complexity of using an external radiator, pressurized pumping system and replacement of heating media like water/thermic fluid. The ATM also comes with an in-built radiator, thus eliminating the need for an external radiator and pumping system, and the system is pressurized using heating media via steam.

High performance features
  • Custom designed for combustion of variety of fuels
  • Hybrid design – combination of underfeed stoker with sloped stationary grate
  • Automated air and fuel regulation for efficient combustion
  • Multiple pass furnace design facilitating efficient utilization of radiant heat transfer
  • Silent combustion – Very less carryover of fuel
  • Eco friendly – very low CO and dust emission
  • Sufficient large access doors for ease of operation and maintenance
  • Modular design for ease of construction, minimal site refractory and low installed cost
  • Factory insulated units
  • Pre-engineered layout
  • ThermoWiz – smart automation – connect on the go with your utility

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